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Birgit Pfatschbacher

...lives in Launsdorf/Carinthia.

She studied piano, accordeon, guitar and recorder at various music schools in Carinthia.

Studied vocals, choir director and voice training at the Carinthian State Conservatory Klagenfurt. Studied at the University College of Teacher Education / Viktor-Frankl-Hochschule.

Choir master in excess of 20 years from ensembles and large choirs in the region of St. Veit/Carinthia. Serveral recordings with the mixed double quartet "Metnitz" (Carinthia) and with many other choirs in the district of St. Veit.

She conducts children choirs and music ensembles in the field of elementary schools and performed many children musicals.

Many performances as vocal soloist in choirs or with the Austrian clarinet choir at home and abroad.

Furthermore she is moderator from concerts (Austrian clarinet Choir, Austrian Clarinets...), vernissages and readings.


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